Sarah Curnoles Life Coach Baltimore Maryland

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Why It's Great to Be Single

I talk a lot about identifying what you want and clearing the path to help you get it. All while giving you gentle motivational nudges forward. 

But so often we get so focused on the goal that we lose sight of where we are right now. I’m sorry, did I say we? I meant me. I do that. I’m about to open the doors to my mastermind Next Level Love where I help single women call in the relationship of their dreams. 

But before I get elbow deep in the dating and relationship world. I’d like to take a moment to celebrate being single. No matter what phase of life you are in, you deserve to celebrate and enjoy where you are. Married, divorced, dating, single. They all have their perks. Here’s what you can love about being single.

  1. Get reacquainted with yourself. 

When we are in relationships we spend a lot of time doing what the other person enjoys and compromising on activities and how to spend time. Think about this time while you’re single as an opportunity to date yourself. And when I say that, I mean invest the same amount of time getting to know yourself that you would with another person. What are your hopes, dreams, desires, and preferences? What are your fears? What brings you joy? 

And here is a great question that I am borrowing from Matthew Hussey: If your plans unexpected feel through, how would spend the next 10 hours? When someone knows who they are well enough to answer that question, that person can make a really excellent partner.  

2. Strengthen your friendships, family relationships, and work relationships

This is an opportunity to reinvest in the relationships that will always be there for you- your friends and family. Even when we have the best of intentions, our friendships fall a bit to the wayside. When you’re single you can show those people how important they are to you and spend time with them. It will also help you continue to feel close and intimate with someone else, which meets a basic human need- belonging and love.

3. Live your best life!! 

When you’re single, you are far more likely to try new things and to explore your curiosities. Go do exactly what makes you happy! Whatever that looks like. Try a new fitness class, learn a language, travel, write short stories, learn to juggle… whatever makes you happy. 

This is also a really great opportunity to invest in your health. Really focus on finding the foods that make you feel good when you eat them and give you lots of energy. Move your body in a variety of ways. This will give you endorphins which is the feel good chemical produced in the body. Yes, more of that please!  There is no one to impress. There is no schedule. You get to pursue your joy.

4. Socialize without a plan

I find I am far more spontaneous when I am single. When someone calls and says they want to hang out, I’m there! I don’t have to check schedules with anyone. I can just go with it! It is so much fun to live spontaneously and enjoy that while it lasts. You can socialize with whoever you want whenever you want. Make new friends if that makes you happy, start random conversations with people around you, or just call up your friends and ask them to hang out. Spice up your life a little bit. 

5. Be your own best company. 

Some people dislike being single because they don’t like feeling lonely. I say you’re never lonely if you like your own company. If you fall in the lonely camp, I encourage you to find ways to enjoy your own company. What thoughts are rolling around in your head? What do you find intriguing about yourself? How are you still a mystery to you? What can you get curious about and start to learn more about? Maybe you examine your beliefs or you think deep thoughts about God or why we’re here. Maybe you’re content to be still, which is a skill that takes time to cultivate and it pays in spades. Being able to spend time sitting quietly can be incredibly recharging and insightful into who you are. 

6. Enjoy having choices

When you are single, the world is your oyster. I’m being a bit cheesy on purpose because it’s true. You have all the choices in the world. Nothing is off the table because you only have to make decisions for yourself. You choose who you want to spend time with, what you eat, where you go. You can move or start a new business. You can spend your weekends partying or quietly alone with a good book and you cat. Choices. You always have choices, but when you’re single it seems like you have so many of them. Celebrate that and make some choices that make you happy!

If you want a relationship, I am here to help you get it. In the meantime, find the joy with where you are RIGHT NOW. You are in the perfect place at the perfect time. There is plenty to enjoy about having single status, while also looking forward and planning for what you want in the future.

PS. If you need a little extra reminder, go listen to this great song

PPS. If you’re ready for a relationship and wondering why it hasn’t happened for you already, I can help you with my free class Eliminate Your Love Blocks. You can claim your seat here. I’ll be helping women just like you raise their awareness about what is holding them back from finding lasting love and how to shift their thinking to start receiving love get the relationship.