Where is Fear Holding You Back?
/I did not learn how to ride a bike as a kid. I grew up on a street with no sidewalks off of a very busy road. My neighborhood wasn’t safe for learning and most of my friends were in the same situation (but somehow they all learned to ride bikes?!). I guess I never made it that important.
I remember in 5th grade when it was bike day and everyone went outside to just ride around behind the school. Everyone took off and there I was left alone on the baseball diamond with a bike with training wheels. It was mortifying.
I never learned and always avoided it. Because learning to ride a bike as an adult is so scary. You are so aware of how far away the ground is and how fast you're moving. It feels completely out of control. And control-freak me does not like that feeling! Falling seems too scary.
On my 31st birthday, a few friends decided I needed to learn and they had the best hill to teach me. I spent an entire afternoon terrified of falling. And you know what became even scarier than the feeling of falling? The fear of being left behind and holding everyone back from their fun. I seem like a hopeless case when it comes to bike riding!
I hope you're laughing at my ridiculousness. Because it is. To someone that knows how to ride a bike, this level of freaking out seems just plain silly, doesn't it? Maybe you have compassion for me, but it's just riding a bike, right? It doesn't get much easier.
And yet, I'm still scared.
Fear is tricky. It’s not always about our safety and survival. Even though it feels that way.
Yes, we often hold back our true greatness because we are afraid of failing. We don’t know how to handle a failure or we think it will make us a loser. So we don’t take risks. We don’t test our strength. And so we never know.
We are equally afraid of our true greatness. If we show up and shine brightly, will we be outcast? We will lose love from our friends and families?
And if we share our greatness, are we going to have to be that great all the time?! Is that sustainable? Will we just be a giant let down?
Fear shows up in the ways you are playing small. The ways you are playing it safe. The ways that feel comfortable, and maybe a bit boring.
You are not here to be boring and safe. You are born with greatness already inside (it’s not anything that you need to develop, you naturally have it!) Your gifts are meant to be shared with the world. And the world may be the circle of your friends and family. It might literally be the whole world.
But you are not meant to let fear hold back your soul’s growth.
I’m getting more clarity about my soul’s purpose. And from what I can see, I am here to learn how to love myself completely. And in doing so, I hope to give you permission to do the same.
Where are you holding back? Where do you feel an inkling that maybe you have a bit more to give? It is time to listen. Take the risk and grow into who you are.
I believe in your greatness. And I believe in you.
PS. Calling all those who are ready to stop playing small! Do you want more out of life? More love, more laughter, more soul-level satisfaction? I am currently taking private clients for my three month coaching program! In three months I help transform your habits and thoughts so that you can tap into the rocket fuel you need to move towards the life of your dreams. If your soul is tugging at your heart and telling you there is more out there, let’s talk. Hit reply and ask me your questions or schedule a free call with me. Book your call right here.
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