My Manifesto- A Work In Progress!

Anyone that knows me knows that I have a big vision for myself. I want to make a huge impact in this world, and I want to help by empowering other to light up from the inside out so they can go do the work that they are on the planet to do. 

I wanted to share with you the Manifesto I have been working on to guide me and my business as I move forward. These are the truths that I believe and guide me as I move forward.

I hope that they resonate with you on some level, and inspire you to create your own personal manifesto. It felt really good to put this down on paper. You can read it here or watch the video if you want to see me reading it. 

Mind you, it's not all pretty yet. My graphic designer doesn't even know that I was working on this. And words are probably going to change a lot, but I wanted to show you this part of my process so you can see where I am, right now.

Speaking of where I am right now... I am also in the middle of creating my next course, which will be for single women that want to be better at dating. It's called Wildly Attractive, and if that speaks to you (or someone you know) you can go here and get more info.

Enjoy the video of me reading my new manifesto, or you can enjoy reading the linked document. I'd love to hear your thoughts and reactions, so please hit reply and tell me your big takeaways!

Also, if you know someone that may be inspired by this, would you please forward this and encourage them to sign up to join the mailing list at

Many thanks and lots of love,