Sarah Curnoles Life Coach Baltimore Maryland

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I need your help please!

My blog this week is different because I'm asking you for your input, your thoughts, your challenges and fears, and how I can be most helpful.

I am so lucky to have an email list where a LOT of you actually open, read, and respond to my emails. Believe me, I know I am really lucky to have that. 

Because of that I want to make sure I am serving you the best I can. I want to write about stuff that is useful and exciting to you. And to do that I need your help. I need to know what you want to be hearing about.

So I wrote a quick survey that should literally take all of three minutes. I made it really easy to select some ideas that might interest you and I gave you space to write to me too. Take it by clicking here. There are just a few questions, answer some or all of them because your input is helpful! 

If you would prefer to just comment below with your responses, here are some questions to consider: 

  • What big challenge are you struggling to overcome?
  • What's got you feeling confused or stuck right now in your life?
  • What conflicting advice are you trying to sort through?

Thank you in advance for your help. I appreciate you being here and I appreciate what you have to say. 

Take the survey by clicking here!