Sarah Curnoles Life Coach Baltimore Maryland

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Here's How to Deal with Negative Emotion

Last week I shared that we have to embrace the complexities of life, such as feeling both joy and pain at the same time. It’s all a part of being alive.

Also a part of being alive is learning how to handle and be with the emotions we would rather avoid. Being able to handle all your own emotions and take responsibility for them is being an adult.

Part of being an adult is being able to handle all the emotions in the human experience.

Human beings try to avoid feeling negative emotion (such as sadness, anger, heartbreak or shame). We don’t like feeling that uncomfortable. Sometimes it can even physically hurt. To try to avoid those feelings, we buffer our emotions. Common buffering activities would be eating, drinking or binge watching Netflix.

But buffering doesn’t make the feeling go away. It prevents us from growing, and we miss the opportunity to live a full life.

When we experience emotions like anger or sadness, it is an invitation. These emotions are giving you new access to understanding yourself. Let yourself feel how you are feeling, you can even let yourself fall apart. Do not skip this part! It’s ok to feel, and the way you feel is valid. The goal of this is to let yourself feel through the emotion and let it pass. You don't have to take any action yet.

Once you get to the other side of feeling, here is your opportunity. There will be a spark ignited within you. You can check in with yourself and understand what caused the emotion and what you want to do about it.

Anytime you have a negative emotion, the good news is that it is only an emotion. An emotion is merely a vibration in your body. And no matter how unpleasant that vibration may feel, you are stronger than that and it will pass.

When you know you are stronger than any emotion, you open up to deeper self-knowledge. You discover more self-love and inner strength. Which leads to more confidence to do the important things in life - like speak up, share your gifts, ask for a raise, get the love you want.

This may sound simple, but it isn’t always easy. There's a reason why you've been trying to avoid your feelings! And you're not alone.

Having a coach give you a compassionate witness to your experience. A coach brings perspective and compassion to allow you to move through your feelings. They listen deeply and invite you to learn more about yourself and your inner strength.

If you’re ready to explore how a coach can help you up level your life, let’s talk. Book your free consultation call here