Sarah Curnoles Life Coach Baltimore Maryland

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Put Yourself Out There

Asking is Vulnerable. It's also Courageous.

Ever get the feeling like you’re not really happy with your current situation but you don’t know how to get the life you want?

Maybe you’re single and you’d rather be partnered up. Or you wish you made more at your job. Or you wish you worked in another industry all together.

You spend time fantasizing and then telling yourself what you can’t have. 


Maybe you spend your down time scrolling on social media and thinking how much better other people have it.


“It’s so easy for her. She’s got a great life. I wish my life was like that.”  ←Yeah, I know those thoughts. They sound eerily familiar.


There is a way to flip this to make it empowering and exciting for what is yet to come in your life. 


There is a reason you are feeling that itch of jealousy. Jealousy is just pointing you towards what your soul is longing for.


And nobody gets anything in this life without identifying what they want and then asking for it. 


  • You want to make more money? Ask for the raise.

  • You want a sweet lover? Join the dating app and make a profile that shines. 

  • You want to roadtrip in an RV? Call for a rental quote. 


It’s really easy to sit at home and wallow in the things that you think could never be possible. It’s only impossible if you never ask for what you want. 


Yeah, it takes some courage to ask. I totally get that it’s scary. It’s vulnerable to say that you really want something. Because there is the possibility that you won’t get it.


It’s human nature to fear rejection. But that is not an excuse to never try. 


Nothing is certain in life. Even our past is interpreted by memory and thoughts, so even our past is not even certain. (ever talk about childhood memories with a sibling and realize you two have completely different stories about what happened?!?)


You have the ability to change the ending to your story. You can either be the person who went for it and tried. Or you’re not. 


Who do you think has a better chance at getting what they want?


Here is some Brené Brown to reflect on: 


 “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.” – Brené Brown


Ask for what you want. Be vulnerable enough to put yourself out there and risk having the life you dream of. 


You will be surprised at what comes back from your moment of courage. It doesn’t always look the way you thought it would. But there is always a response to courage. 

Have you asked for something recently? Have you put yourself out there in a vulnerable and courageous way? Hit reply and tell me all about it. I can't wait to cheer you on.